Is this right for me?
If you have no desire to lose weight or reduce the burden of certain menopause symptoms, then this is not for you. This tool will let you know specifically which types of foods, when eaten regularly, will help balance hormones and, in turn, promote weight-loss.
Is this a monthly membership or one-time purchase?
This is a ONE time payment - once you purchase, the Menopause Slim Down Plan files are yours to keep and use for life.
When do I get access to the files?
You get the Menopause Slim Down Plan and bonuses delivered to your inbox, within minutes after your purchase. Check your Spam folder if you do not see it.
Is this a particular type of diet?
The plan is not based on any single strict diet. Rather, it allows for flexibility based on your menopause body type, and your individual taste. Our personalized food recommendations are on my clinical experience in coaching women in their prime for weight-loss and fat-loss.
Can I follow this plan as a vegetarian or vegan?
Yes! There's simply one key concept that must be accounted for. We address that in the Menopause Slim Down Plan's suggestions for vegetarians and vegans.
What if your plan does not have foods that I like?
There are a variety of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to choose from. If you are open to eating healthy foods found in nature (and at your local grocery store), then we're confident you'll find foods that you like.
Why not share this information for free?
The information in this plan is the culmination of a decade's worth of clinical testing and practice. Given the amount of time that went into testing and proving this tool, we feel it's head and shoulders above any information that you can find for free.
What if I decide this isn't for me?
I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 30 days of purchase. That's how confident I am that you will absolutely love this plan.
What if I need further guidance from a professional?
You're in luck! I actually offer nutrition coaching and personal fitness training, entirely online. If you'd like to learn more, simply email us at and we'll schedule a time to chat about how we'll empower you to feel stronger, healthier, and have more energy.